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this is fireee

Any tips on fighting the final boss. The Ogre Warlord, I keep trying to fight him but he does to much damage. I bought all the tp skills, I have all the art abilities. I put on the best gear my character has access to. He does so much damage and my character can barely do any damage to him.  He is killing me faster than I can heal my character. 

Is there a way to boost my stats I don't know about? No matter how many times I fight him I can't seem to beat him. He does to much damage faster than I can take him down. 

And all the skills I try on him seem to barely do anything to him. I'm not sure how to beat him.

Hey just wondering, is nue unbeatable at the beginning? Been trying a few ways but don't know if Its possible.


Nue battle is a losing event. Even if you win, the story will proceed as a loss.

Gotcha, thank you


I wish there were more games like this. I came a lot!!!


I'm glad to hear that!


si estuviera en español,lo compraria!

Hi! So it is just me or is the Ninja medicine unobtainable on the trial version?

And just for curiosity, is the full prized game featuring other "main" characters besides the  nine depicted by Gorou Naoki? or any other places that we can "corrupt" like the village, fort, and ogre castle? or are there just the three final dungeons for the bandits?

I would be very greatful if you manged to take your time to replay; 

And I hope you have a great day! and good job with your current/future projects.


Ninja  Medicine can be obtained in ninja village on trial version, but it's rare.
There are no other main characters and no more places other than village/fort/ogre castle that can be changed. There are a few dungeons (mine, tower) added on full game. Thank you for your comment!

is the demo the whole game cause baby if there's more content than a man I'm soaked

the demo isnt the full game, u have to pay 20 bucks for the full game

Deleted 281 days ago

Did you see the castle assult event? If so, please go to the inn next.

Oh my gosh, I'm totally in love with your game, can I help you add Vietnamese language support to it?

I appreciate the offer, but I am currently working on the English translation of a new game and don't have time to work on the Vietnamese version. I'm sorry.

will any of your games ever come out on steam


Steam prohibits some contents like inc*st, r*pe, best*ality, so this game cannot be released on Steam. New games are under consideration.

Downloaded and very much enjoy the contents!

Is there any option to change the language of the game? Or is there only English available.

This game is available in Japanese and English only.

how can i get shape-shifting cock?

You can exchange the item for it at the fishing village (beach).

I was able to get shape shifter cum in the ogre dungeon. Its one of the group sex options. You get ogre cum and shapeshifting cum. And you can exchange the cum for the shapeshifting orb.

hello, could anyone tell me how can i get half-monster cum ? I only got one in my item and i don't know where i get this

Hi. It can be collected at the orgy event in the Ogre castle.

Deleted 1 year ago

I got it, thanks!

Help I'm stuck!

I can't continue Chuemon and Jimbe story because I can't find paper and ruby to craft. Plus I can't find a way to enter in the mines. And if try to enter yaro caste I get a bad end...

What do I do??

Once at the inn, the next story should proceed.

How to increase charm?

There are items which can inscrease charm. They can be composed in Moritane's house.

Thanks so I have to finish moritane's route to proceed?

Where can I find tangle fiber and pure water? I'm playing v023

The castle with the bear character has a library it list where you can get most ingredients from.

Is there any gallery for nsfw scenes in the game? And if so how can I unlock it?


There is gallery after the end credits. 


how do i get in the right tower (the black and blue)?

I have version 19v and the new 23v. how do I put it together or like update it ? so i won't have to restart over.

Please copy the 'save' folder in v19 and paste(or replace) it  in v23.

If you are Windows user, there is 'save' folder under "game folder"->"www".

If you are Mac user, there is 'save' folder under "game folder"->""->"Contents"->"Resources"->"app.nw".


TY it workks!!!!

I just completed the volcano and the game told me that, that was the end of the story for now and I have to wait for updates but I thought the game was complete so is that a glitch or something?

Which are you playing, trial version or 0.23 version?

I'm playing the 0.23 version

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

We have confirmed that there is a bug.
Please ignore that sentence. The story will go on if you go to the Amino castle after volcano.
We will erase that sentence and make version0.231.

Thank you for reporting!

(1 edit)

Where can i find Ruby? And idk how to unlock the mine :(

It's in the Mine. As the story progresses, you will be able to go to the mine. Mine cannot be entered in the trial version.

hello :]
where can i get gelatin to make jelly? thank youu

You can get it in the north part of the Mountain.


I see scat listed on scenes, so is that avoidable/able to be turned off? 


Yes, it's avoidable and there's an alert to enter the scenes.


Thank you for the information. 

Hi, i'm on Mac and i keep getting this message error: 

Erfor: EROFS: read-only file system, open




Have you tried this?:
If you are getting error messages in game, please try to move the game file to other location. For example, if the game folder is in the Download folder, please move it to the Desktop folder and start it. 

Is the game complete? I can't seem to do certain things like make the ogre medicine or access the mines

If you are playing v0.23, not trial version, you can proceed story by visiting Amino castle after getting the help of six companions.

Thx! I got it after trying a bit, and i have to say, I loved the endings (though I'm left wanting more content!)

(1 edit)

is this game already complete?

Yes, for now, it's completed.

so which version is the full game?

Is there a guide for where items are? Can't find a Ruby.

It's in the Mine. As the story progresses, you will be able to go to the mine. Mine cannot be entered in the trial version.


For android?

Awesome vn & rpg game... but do you have plan for Chinese version?

There are no plans to do so yet. Sorry.

how can i play this fully game?I can not play the after chapter for it said not translate yet and nothin

Please wait a little more for the fully translated game.


when will the  fully translated game. complete?

Deleted 2 years ago

Can't wait for this to be fully translated. Keep up the good work.

Is v23 the last update or theres gonna be an extra update??

There will be further minor correction. All the story parts have been translated.

How i get Takepachi event Top ? MC always got bottom.Also i almost got all ending only Takepachi i didnt get, did i miss something ???

If you have seen Takepachi's 4th event, you have to spend time by exploring somewhere (mountains, lake, etc) to see Takepachi's final (fifth) event. If you haven't seen 4th event, you have to proceed main story.

i see,it seem i missing something main story i need to climb Volcano to gain item.Thx u Tsukumon


Where are the save files for the game on a PC? (or am i just dumb and cant find it)


If you are using Windows, save folder is under 'www' folder. If you are using Mac, it's under ''→'Contents'→'Resources'→'app.nw' folder.


Thank you so much for telling me!

I don't understand what all the symbols mean on the bottom right of the screen. Like the food one and the feudal lord looking one.

You can collect money from village/fort/Yaro castle if there is the symbol of food/helm/castle.

Thank you so much :)

Will there be an option to re-read the dialogs of the main cast ?

Yes, there is recollection room for re-reading all character stories and other erotic events after the endings.


Will the full game be available for Android?


I don't have plan to make full Android version. But you can use Windows version if emulator app is working.


do you know any emulator app then?

I think he's talking about JoiPlay. This app with it's plugins supports most VN and RPG Maker games.

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